The Exorcism movie based off a true story of a young girl named Anneliese Michel, who lived in Klingenberg, Germany. As the movie Exorcism, Anneliese suffered a horrific sight and regarded as a demon. He also got help psychiatrists before switching request for help to the Catholic Church and underwent an exorcism.During the exorcism, Anneliese was possessed by demons that settle claims within Cain, Nero, Judas, Hitler and Lucifer. Anneliese also wrote her story, that he met and chatted with Mary and Jesus.
Allegedly due to undergo an exorcism and that medication discontinuation, Anneliese died on July 1, 1976. Two pastors who led the exorcism, Renz and Pastor Alt and Anneliese's father pleaded guilty because it allows the occurrence of death. They were detained for 6 months. Today, Anneliese's grave became a place of pilgrimage is not official. Anneliese death raises attitude for those who believe that Anneliese Michel died of surrender himself as a sacrifice to God. They believe that Anneliese had a demon but a pure soul remains saved.
Anneliese Michel's life story attracted worldwide attention during the last 30 years since the emergence of many responses the pros and cons, post-trial to the priest and his father. Especially since 24 years ago, when the book by Dr.. Felicitas D. Goodman's The Exorcism of Anneliese Michel was published. Dr. Felicitas provide anthropological reportage, not novels, and critical review based background in science and psychology behind the story of Anneliese. The book that inspired the movie Exorcism And Dr.Felicitas was placed as the chief consultant of making the film.
As the story in fact, the movie The Exorcism is not just a cheap murder stories of young girls who are drug dependent. The Exorcism still maintaining the integrity of the story and invites the audience think for themselves. Viewers will find a lot of questions.The film is open to be taken with consideration of the audience to believe, not believe or doubt. Although the event has been completed in court, but the conversation about whether demonic possession is real or not, remains very attractive. Certainly needed a companion or the appropriate resource to answer the anxiety that comes after watching this film.