The King's Speech is a United Kingdom historical drama film directed by Tom Hooper who and written by David Seidler. The film was nominated at the BAFTA's grace in 14 categories by winning seven awards; also nominated for Academy Awards as much as 12 categories and won four awards namely Best Picture, Best Director, Best Actor, and Best Original Screenplay.; And the Golden Globes nominations with Colin Firth as the winner of Best Actor.
The film is lifted by a true story told of a character known as King George VI.....
featuring film footage that are popular today and a glimpse of the story of the film
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Little Red Riding Hood
Little Red Riding Hood is a horror movie US / Canada by Catherine Hardwicke and starring Amanda Seyfried as the title role, directed from a script by David Leslie Johnson. It is very loosely on the fairy tale Little Red Riding Hood by Charles Perrault, both under the name "Little Red Riding Hood" (Little Red Riding Hood) and several decades later, were collected by the Brothers Grimm as "Little Red Riding Hood "(Little Redcap).
Posted by
Isya Sulaiman
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